
Safeguarding and Welfare

Statement of Intent

At Thornton Cleveleys Taekwon-Do School (TCTKD), we believe that protecting and promoting the welfare and well-being of children and vulnerable adults is paramount. All vulnerable groups have a right to be protected from abuse regardless of their age, gender, disability, culture, language, racial origin, religious beliefs or sexual identity. All children and adults at risk have a right to participate in an enjoyable and safe environment. At TCTKD all safeguarding concerns, allegations of abuse or poor practice will be taken seriously and responded to quickly, efficiently and appropriately. We are also registered with the ICO for data protection purposes. Our full safeguarding information is available on request.

Safeguarding and Welfare Officers

Safeguarding and Welfare Officer

Ms T Khanfar

Safeguarding & Welfare Officer

Dr I Ali

Ms Khanfar has over 7 years experience of creating, implementing and assessing the impact of safeguarding policies as a Nursery Manager. Ms Khanfar is also a Governor at a local primary school, keeping up to date with all child protection and safeguarding information. Her recent training includes; ‘Strategic safeguarding for governors’, ‘Understanding Safeguarding and Prevent (Level 2)’ and ‘Online safety for children within a primary school’.

Dr Ali is a local GP who has been a Safeguarding Lead at his Practice since August 2013. Given this role he has extensive experience in local safeguarding procedures. He is Level 3 trained in both Adult and Children Safeguarding and regularly attends and keeps up to date with local and national safeguarding training and events. in He has recently completed training on the topic of Equality and Diversity as a refresher.

L.A.D.O. Contact Information

The Local Authority Designated Officer manages allegations when concerns are raised about the conduct or behaviour of any adult that works with children and young people. The LADO will be involved with and oversee any and all investigations and outcomes. The Welfare officer/s will make a referral, share information and seek guidance and support from the LADO whilst investigating an allegation. If you have made an allegation against an adult that works with children and young adults at TCTKD and are not happy with an outcome or feel it has not been investigated appropriately you can also contact the LADO to seek further advice on 01253 477541 or

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